domingo, 10 de novembro de 2013

Maria: Porterò le tue esigenze immediatamente a Gesù e davanti ai tuoi occhi, di volta in volta, vedrai l’acqua delle tue sofferenze e prove diventare un vino di pace e di vittoria.

María: El mundo entero cuelga de la balanza. Si ustedes hacen lo que Yo les pido, muchos se salvarán y ustedes se regocijarán. Yo multiplicaré todo lo que hagan. Si hacen un solo acto, Yo lo haré como un centenar. Si hacen muchos actos, Yo haré nacer una enorme cosecha. Siembren las semillas de la esperanza. Habrá una gran cosecha.

Mensajes de la Virgen María al vidente dirigido por Monseñor John Esseff…
OCT 20-27 / 2013

1. La Empresa del Padre Celestial
Octubre 20, 2013

Someone setting out on a journey tries to see the obstacles that he must overcome. However, no one can foresee the problems that lie ahead for mankind. The world is filled with problems, like little grains of wheat ready to become a harvest of destruction, changing parts of the world forever. This is the true state of mankind, which people cannot see.
Alguien que sale de viaje trata de ver los obstáculos que debe vencer. Sin embargo, nadie puede predecir los problemas que están por delante para la humanidad. El mundo está lleno de problemas como pequeños granos de trigo listos para llegar a ser una cosecha de destrucción, cambiando partes del mundo para siempre. Éste es el verdadero estado de la humanidad, que las personas no pueden ver.
When a fire burns fiercely, a mother gathers her children because she knows the path to safety. O readers, stay closer to me than ever before. Set aside your other enterprises. Let go of your schemes. This is a time for the deepest devotion to the heavenly Father’s enterprise.
Cuando el fuego arde violentamente, una Madre reúne a sus hijos porque Ella conoce el camino a la seguridad. Oh, lectores, permanezcan más cerca de Mí que nunca antes. Dejen de lado sus otras empresas. Suelten sus proyectos. Éste es un tiempo para la dedicación más profunda hacia la empresa del Padre Celestial.
You yourselves must say, “Come, let us give our hearts to Mary’s messages.” Then, you will give yourselves to what is truly important. This is the great enterprise that I will now explain.
Ustedes mismos deben decir: “Vengan, vamos a dar nuestros corazones a los Mensajes de María.” Entonces, se entregarán a lo que es realmente importante. Ésta es la gran empresa que ahora voy a explicar.
2. La realización de la Empresa de Dios
Octubre 21, 2013

My heart overflows and I must continue to speak. No one knows the timetable of events between Satan and God but every human person plays a role. Billions of people are caught up in this great mystery of God’s plan.
Mi Corazón se desborda y debo seguir hablando. Nadie conoce el itinerario de los acontecimientos entre satanás y Dios, pero cada persona humana juega un rol. Miles de millones de personas están envueltas en este gran Misterio del Plan de Dios.
O reader, do not think that you play a small role and that what you do is unimportant. You have a place in history, a call to the service of God. This is my message. Put aside the trivialities of life. Listen to the stirrings in your heart. Listen and you will hear my voice. I need you. I need your prayers. I need your sacrifices. I will train you. I will teach you. I will make your heart like mine and you will overflow with my thoughts and my desires. Then, we will fulfill the great enterprise of God’s plan.
Oh, lector, no pienses que tú participas en un pequeño papel y que lo que haces es insignificante. Tú tienes un puesto en la historia, un llamado al servicio de Dios. Éste es Mi Mensaje. Pon de lado las trivialidades de la vida. Escucha la mociones de tu corazón. Escucha, y oirás Mi Voz. Yo te necesito. Necesito tus oraciones. Necesito tus sacrificios. Yo te entrenaré. Te enseñaré. Yo haré tu corazón como el Mío, y en ti brotarán Mis pensamientos y Mis deseos. Entonces, Nosotros realizaremos la gran Empresa del Plan de Dios.
3. La visión rota en pedazos
Octubre 22, 2013

The heavenly Father created mankind so that every human person would live with him forever in heaven. This is mankind’s true goal. When mankind no longer believes, this vision is shattered into a thousand pieces. Mankind makes up its own goals. These compete with one another and divisions occur. Attempts at reconciliation fail. People do not see themselves as brothers and sisters on a common journey to heaven.
El Padre Celestial creó a la humanidad para que cada ser humano viviera con Él para siempre en el Cielo. Ésta es la verdadera meta de la humanidad. Cuando el hombre ya no cree, esta imagen se rompe en mil pedazos. La humanidad inventa sus propias metas. Éstas compiten unas con otras y se producen las divisiones. Los intentos de reconciliación fallan. Las personas no se ven a sí mismas como hermanos y hermanas en un viaje común hacia el Cielo.
By losing sight of God’s goal, mankind sees no value in God’s commandments and rejects God’s wisdom. Society crumbles. The great enterprise of gaining life forever is abandoned. Mankind seeks earthly goals that can never answer the deepest human question, “Why do I exist?” Such is the state of mankind, which needs to regain the wisdom that comes only from faith. I will try to help by these words.
Al perder de vista la meta de Dios, la humanidad no ve ningún valor en los Mandamientos de Dios y rechaza la Sabiduría de Dios. La sociedad se desmorona. La gran empresa de alcanzar la vida eterna se abandona. La humanidad procura objetivos terrenales que jamás pueden responder a los interrogantes humanos más profundos: “¿Por qué existo?” Tal es el estado de la humanidad, la cual necesita recuperar la sabiduría que sólo viene de la Fe. Yo trataré de ayudarlos por medio de estas Palabras.
4. Una invitación especial
Octubre 23, 2013

Every person in the world has an invitation to enter God’s kingdom and to live forever. My Son, Jesus Christ, issued this invitation and paid for every person to sit at the heavenly table. All is prepared. The banquet is ready.
Cada persona en el mundo tiene una invitación para entrar en el Reino de Dios y vivir para siempre. Mi Hijo Jesucristo formuló esta invitación y pagó para que cada persona se sentase a la Mesa Celestial. Todo está preparado. El Banquete está listo.
Millions of people live in darkness, unaware of their invitation. Many others see no value in their invitation and never open it. Still others see this invitation as inconvenient and requiring a change to what they want to do. Some embrace the invitation and make all the sacrifices needed so they can attend Jesus’ banquet. Such is the state of the world.
Millones de personas viven en tinieblas inconscientes de su invitación. Otros muchos no ven valor alguno en su invitación y no la abren. Más aún, otros ven esta invitación como inadecuada y que requiere de los cambios que ellos quieren hacer. Algunos aceptan la invitación y hacen todos los sacrificios necesarios para poder asistir al Banquetes de Jesús. Tal es el estado del mundo.
You, O reader, have your invitation to Jesus’ kingdom. This invitation contains every blessing which God intends for you. Open it. Follow its directions. It will lead you by a new path where you will find all of God’s treasures. Reject it and you will lose everything.
Tú, oh lector, tienes tu invitación para el Reino de Jesús. Esta invitación contiene todas las bendiciones que Dios destina para ti. Ábrela. Sigue sus instrucciones. Éstas te llevarán por un nuevo camino donde encontrarás todos los Tesoros de Dios. Recházala y lo perderá todo.
Comment: The great decision for every human being is to accept or to reject God’s invitation. We make that decision every day.
Comentario: La gran decisión para cada ser humano es aceptar o rechazar la invitación de Dios. Nosotros hacemos esta elección cada día.
5. Nuevos Cielos y Nueva Tierra
Octubre 24, 2013

Too many resources are given over to useless goals while the great enterprise of the heavenly Father is neglected. When man sees and accepts the plan of God, he will allocate these resources so the whole world can be fed, sustained and flourish.
Demasiados recursos se destinan hacia metas inútiles, mientras que la gran Empresa del Padre Celestial es descuidada. Cuando el hombre vea y acepte el Plan de Dios, él distribuirá estos recursos de manera que el mundo entero se pueda alimentar, sustentar y prosperar.
Where will I begin in describing the world built without any vision of God’s plan? Men construct a world filled with the most destructive weapons and an economy that enriches a few. Whole continents are buried in poverty, while the natural resources are exploited by outsiders.
¿Por dónde empezaré a describir el mundo construido sin ninguna visión del Plan de Dios? Los hombres construyen un mundo repleto de las más destructivas armas y una economía que enriquece a unos pocos. Continentes enteros están sepultados en la pobreza, mientras que los recursos naturales son explotados por extranjeros.
Do not say that in these locutions I speak only of heaven. The Father wants earth to flourish and for all to have what is needed. When earth becomes like hell, people lose faith. When earth becomes like heaven, all have hope. God promises, “I will create a new heaven and a new earth”. (2Pt., 3:13) It is those who do not believe in God’s plan who destroy the earth.
No digas que en estas Locuciones Yo hablo solamente del Cielo. El Padre quiere que la Tierra prospere, y para que todos tengan lo que es necesario. Cuando la Tierra llega a ser como el Infierno, las personas pierden la fe. Cuando la Tierra llega a ser como el Paraíso, todos tienen esperanza. Dios promete: “Voy a crear un Cielo nuevo y una Tierra nueva” (2 Pedro 3:13). Son aquellos, los que no creen en el Plan de Dios, quienes destruyen la Tierra.
Comment: When mankind follows God’s plans, earth will flourish.
Comentario: Cuando la humanidad siga los Planes de Dios, la Tierra prosperará.
7. La decadencia de los Estados UnidosOctubre 25, 2013
What has happened to America which began as the great enterprise of God? How many came to your shores, the victims of religious persecutions. They sought this new world so they could freely practice their religious beliefs. Such were the beginnings of America, a seedbed for religious hopes that soon produced a devout nation which I blessed time and time again.
¿Qué le sucedió a los Estados Unidos que comenzaron como la gran Empresa de Dios? ¿Cuántos llegaron a sus costas, víctimas de la persecución religiosa? Ellos procuraron este nuevo mundo para poder practicar libremente sus creencias religiosas. Así fueron los comienzos de los Estados Unidos, un semillero de esperanzas religiosas, que pronto produjeron una nación devota que Yo bendije una y otra vez.
America is now a nation filled with bigotry against religion. A hatred fills its secular soul. Its hands are cupped to its ears, not wanting to hear a single religious message. Religious signs and displays are deliberately removed. Teachings that violate God’s commandments are propagated in the schools. I will not go on with this sordid list. America proclaims, “We will not be under God.” So, the great enterprise of heaven comes to a halt. The President, Congress and the Supreme Court all turn their backs.
Estados Unidos es ahora una nación repleta de intolerancia contra la religión. Un odio llena su alma secular. Sus manos están tapando sus oídos, no queriendo escuchar un solo Mensaje religioso. Los símbolos y demostraciones religiosas son deliberadamente eliminados. Las enseñanzas que violan los Mandamientos de Dios son propagadas en las escuelas. No voy a seguir con esta sórdida lista. Estados Unidos proclama: “No vamos a estar sometidos a Dios.” Así, la gran empresa del Cielo llega a detenerse. El Presidente, el Congreso y la Corte Suprema en pleno Le dan la espalda.
You had a call, America, to lead the world to God and to be a model nation of religious belief. Now, you export your abortion pill, your pornography and your weapons. Still, you wonder why you have declined. You have declined, America, because you have rejected the heavenly enterprise for which I exalted you in the first place. Your fortunes will continue to decline until you say, “Let us return to our religious beginnings and become, once again, a nation under God.”
Tú tenías un llamado, Estados Unidos, para conducir el mundo hacia Dios y ser un modelo de nación de creencia religiosa. Ahora tú exportas tu píldora del aborto, tu pornografía y tus armas. Aún más, te preguntas por qué estás en decadencia. Estás en decadencia, Estados Unidos, porque has rechazado la Empresa Celestial para la cual Yo te exalté en el primer lugar. Tus riquezas seguirán en decadencia hasta que digas: “Volvamos a nuestros orígenes religiosos y convirtámonos, una vez más, en una nación sometida a Dios.”
Comment: This locution perfectly describes America’s historical path and invites us to go back to the road we used to walk.
Comentario: Esta locución describe perfectamente el camino histórico de los Estados Unidos y nos invita a volver al camino que usábamos para andar.
8. Quitando a los ateos del poderOctubre 26, 2013
People have plans and when plans converge, people join together in a common task. At times, these groups join with others because greater goals appear in their grasp. This is the how a society begins and how a culture evolves. Even after the foundation is placed and the goals are set, the dynamic elements of that society continue to form its existence (for better or for worse). Mankind, in each of his cultures, never stands still. All constantly changes, just as the human body grows, matures and declines. Such is the state of America.
La gente tiene planes y cuando los planes confluyen, las personas se juntan en una tarea común. A veces, estos grupos se unen con otros debido a que aparecen metas más grandes a su alcance. Así es como comienza una sociedad y como se desarrolla una cultura. Incluso, después que las bases son puestas y establecidas las metas, la dinámica de los elementos de esa sociedad sigue organizando su existencia (para mejor o para peor). La humanidad, en cada una de sus culturas, nunca se paraliza. Todo cambia constantemente, tal como crece el cuerpo humano, madura y declina. Tal es la condición de los Estados Unidos.
In the beginning, I led religious people to come to America. Then, I led them to join together and to form a nation. They constructed a foundation, a people that was truly “under God” and guided by his wisdom. However, no nation is permanently settled and often the original road is abandoned.
Al comienzo, Yo conduje a personas religiosas a venir a América. Luego, Yo los junté y los reuní para que formaran una nación. Ellos sentaron una base, un pueblo que estaba realmente “sometido a Dios” y guiado por Su Sabiduría. Sin embargo, ninguna nación se establece permanentemente y, a menudo, el camino original es abandonado.
Right now, America is in decline but this decline comes from its own hands. It is not the natural course of history, as some would declare. The decline results from deliberate choices, from Americans who are really enemies of America. They know nothing of its religious beginnings and desire only to rip America out of its original religious soil that nourished it so well.
Justo ahora, los Estados Unidos están en decadencia, pero esta decadencia proviene de sus propias manos. No es el curso natural de la historia, como declararían algunos. La decadencia es consecuencia de la opción intencionada de los norteamericanos que son verdaderamente enemigos de los Estados Unidos. Ellos no saben nada de sus orígenes religiosos y sólo desean arrancar a los Estados Unidos de su suelo religioso original que lo nutría tan bien.
I promise to topple them before they completely topple America. But first, I must awaken devout people who want a truly religious America. I say this, “These three years are extremely important. I have not abandoned America. I will provide a new opportunity, a surprising gift. You will be able to reverse the religious atheism that has gripped your nation. However, you must be aware of what I intend to do and take advantage of my actions.”
Yo prometo derribarlos antes de que ellos derriben completamente a los Estados Unidos. Pero primero, debo despertar a las personas devotas que quieren una América verdaderamente religiosa. Yo digo, “Estos tres años son extremadamente importantes. Yo no he abandonado a Estados Unidos. Yo proveeré una nueva oportunidad, un regalo sorprendente. Ustedes serán capaces de revertir el ateísmo religioso que se ha apoderado de su nación. Sin embargo, deben estar conscientes de lo que Yo pretendo hacer y tomar ventaja de Mis acciones.”
Begin now in hope. Do all you can to restore the spiritual life of your family, your parish, your community and your nation. Some will have the talent to form new groups and even to come to the attention of the news media. There must be in America, a religious revival to take advantage of what I am now doing to topple the atheists (that is what I must call them) who control America’s thinking.
Comiencen ahora con esperanza. Haga todo lo posible para restaurar la vida espiritual de su familia, de su parroquia, de su comunidad y de su nación. Algunos tendrán el talento para formar nuevos grupos e incluso llamar la atención de los nuevos medios de comunicación. Debe haber en los Estados Unidos un renacimiento religioso que tome ventaja de lo que estoy haciendo ahora para derrotar a los ateos (así es como debo llamarlos) quienes controlan las opiniones de los Estados Unidos.
Comment: Mary describes the destruction of America’s religious spirit but promises to take special actions to remove atheists from power. We must regain our own religious spirit to take advantage of this unique opportunity.
Comentario: María describe la destrucción del espíritu religioso de los Estados Unidos, pero promete tomar acciones especiales para quitar a los ateos del poder. Nosotros debemos recuperar nuestro espíritu religioso para aprovechar esta única oportunidad.
9. Todavía hay tiempoOctubre 27, 2013
Some have grown discouraged and have abandoned the great plans of heaven. This is the time to take them up once again. Return to Church. Return to your prayers and devotions. Return to the duties of your state in life.
En algunos ha crecido el desaliento, y han abandonado los grandes Planes del Cielo. Éste es el momento de comenzar una vez más. De regresar a la Iglesia. De retornar a sus oraciones y devociones. De volver a los deberes de su estado de vida.
Return to that place of hope to which I had brought you. There is still time for all to be accomplished. I will speak clearly. Every single person has a role in heaven’s plan. No one is excluded. For this purpose, you were born into this world. Accomplishing heaven’s goal is all that really matters. The time is short and the goal is still far away. I must encourage you, so listen to me.
De regresar a ese lugar de esperanza, al cual Yo los había traído. Todavía hay tiempo para que todo se pueda cumplir. Yo hablaré con claridad. Cada persona en particular tiene un papel en el Plan Celestial. Ninguno está excluido. Para este propósito ustedes nacieron en este mundo. El cumplimiento de las metas Celestiales es todo lo que realmente importa. El tiempo es corto y la meta todavía está lejos. Yo debo alentarlos, así que escúchenme.
The whole world hangs in the balance. If you do what I ask of you, many will be saved and you will rejoice. I will multiply everything you do. If you do one act, I will make it like a hundred. If you do many acts, I will bring forth an enormous harvest. Sow the seeds in hope. There will be a great harvest. The time is short but heaven’s plans can still be fulfilled.
El mundo entero cuelga de la balanza. Si ustedes hacen lo que Yo les pido, muchos se salvarán y ustedes se regocijarán. Yo multiplicaré todo lo que hagan. Si hacen un solo acto, Yo lo haré como un centenar. Si hacen muchos actos, Yo haré nacer una enorme cosecha. Siembren las semillas de la esperanza. Habrá una gran cosecha. El tiempo es corto, pero los Planes del Cielo todavía se pueden cumplir.
Comment: Mary concludes this series on a great note of hope. However, we must act.
Comentario: María concluye esta serie con una gran nota de esperanza. Sin embargo, nosotros debemos actuar.
Nota: En la pestaña superior ‘Mensajes actuales’ puede descargar los Mensajes en PDF.

Maria: Io voglio che tu sia sereno e che guardi nel tuo cuore. Trova lì nuovi sommovimenti e nuovi desideri...inizierai a sentire la mia voce. Dirai: “Maria mi sta parlando”. Le locuzioni quotidiane ti guideranno. Non andrai fuori rotta.

28 ottobre 2013


Devo tornare di nuovo ai problemi che affliggono il mondo e che persino mettono in pericolo la sua stessa esistenza. Non ci può essere alcun progresso verso la luce fino a quando l’umanità deliberatamente non cercherà l’aiuto del cielo. Tutte le altre soluzioni non sono affatto soluzioni. Poiché le nuove invenzioni possono essere utilizzate da buoni e cattivi allo stesso modo, ciò che l’uomo chiama progresso porta davvero alla distruzione. Persone malvagie approfittano di tutto ciò che è nuovo.

I problemi attuali possono essere risolti solo con la conversione del cuore dell’uomo. Questi sono i veri e profondi segreti che comincerò a rivelare. Non dite che non ci può essere una conversione dei cuori in tutto il mondo. Ciò accadrà quando la Russia sarà consacrata al mio Cuore Immacolato. Prima che ciò accada, tutto il mondo deve prepararsi per quelle benedizioni.

Commento: Gravi problemi abbondano e le persone cercano soluzioni secondo la saggezza dell’uomo. Il cambiamento vero in tutto il mondo arriverà solo con le conversioni in tutto il mondo.

29 ottobre 2013


Tanti chiudono il cuore al regno dei cieli. Hanno preso la loro decisione di non essere aperti a nessuna influenza religiosa. Le loro vite sono finite. Stanno suonando fuori dalle corde. La decisione è stata presa. Questo è quello che vedo sempre di più. Poiché la cultura ha scelto di escludere la vita religiosa, molti non hanno fede.

Devo lasciarli andare tutti all’inferno? Devo consentire loro di essere le vittime delle loro scelte? Non mi arrenderò. Io busserò al loro cuore, anche se vogliono che me ne vada, anche se vogliono rimanere bloccati nella loro incredulità, io li invito ad aprirsi al regno. Ecco perché parlo ogni giorno in queste locuzioni. Molti di coloro che le leggono sono già aperti allo Spirito Santo, ma alcuni sono stati ingannati e raggirati da una società che non conosce questa luce.

Per alcuni lettori, dico questo. Poiché non avete goduto di una forte educazione religiosa, il vostro cuore si è rivolto ad obiettivi terrestri. La pratica religiosa non ha posto nella vostra vita. Ora, state ascoltando un percussionista diverso, che suona le canzoni del regno di Dio. Continuate ad ascoltare. Un giorno, la mia canzone catturerà il vostro cuore e voi mi aprirete la vostra vita. Io prego così ardentemente per quel giorno.

Commento: Questa locuzione, anche se data per tutti, ha determinate persone in mente. Maria invita le persone cresciute in un ambiente non religioso a ricevere le sue grazie speciali.

30 ottobre 2013


È troppo chiedere ad una persona di riserbare la domenica per il Signore? È troppo chiedere che si unisca con altri nel culto comune della Domenica? È troppo chiedere che osservi i comandamenti e rispetti le leggi di Dio? Questi sono i compiti fondamentali del credente e sono i primi passi sulla strada per il paradiso.

Per tutti coloro che si impegnano su questa strada, io prometto nuova vita, che nessuno può togliere. Quanto sono importanti le decisioni prese nel segreto del cuore umano. O lettore, io lavoro così intensamente nel tuo cuore e non voglio che tu vada perduto. Guarda nel tuo cuore. Vedi dove io ti conduco e seguimi.

Commento: Ogni persona deve leggere nel proprio cuore, vedere la guida di Maria e seguirla.

31 ottobre 2013


Le persone erano solite ritenere che la propria vita fosse nelle loro mani. Se erano state sagge ed avevano preso le decisioni giuste, allora Dio le avrebbe benedette e avrebbero goduto di una vita di felicità. Ora tutto è cambiato. Il futuro non è più prevedibile. Cambiamento ed incertezza riempiono l’aria. Ognuno si sente derubato del controllo sulla propria vita, non importa quanto buone siano state le proprie decisioni.

Parlo ora perché questa incertezza crescerà e crescerà. Non andrà via. Essa non può essere risolta con poteri umani. Nel bel mezzo di questa oscurità, io sussurro alla tua anima: “Seguimi. Ti mostrerò la via della speranza.” O lettore, se cammini da solo sarai immerso in un buio opprimente che soverchierà tutte le tue risorse.

Questo è il mio messaggio chiaro in questi tempi incerti. Cerca di vivere con Dio più intensamente e pienamente che puoi. Troverai una via di pace solo nel tuo cuore (dove io ti attendo). Lì mi troverai ed io mi occuperò di te.

Commento: Questo è vero. Un mondo instabile significa che nessuno di noi può tracciare il proprio futuro. Maria ci invita a sviluppare una vita di preghiera, “trovare una via di pace” nei nostri cuori. Lei ci sarà.

1 novembre 2013


Parlo ogni giorno perché le persone prendono decisioni ogni giorno. Queste decisioni non sono prese in un vuoto. Le persone sono tirate in ogni direzione da forze potenti che le intrappolano e le soggiogano. Parlo così che la persona possa sperimentare una attrazione differente. La mia voce chiama ciascuno ad una strada speciale a cui il mondo rifiuta di credere, non difende ed anzi predica violentemente contro.

O lettore, lascia che le mie parole invoglino il tuo cuore. Lascia che ci siano nuovi sommovimenti interiori. Non devi ignorare o soffocare questi nuovi desideri. Decidi di servire Dio, non l’uomo. Segui questi nuovi desideri e vivi per Dio. Anela al cielo ed alla vita eterna.

Quando queste speranze ti riempiono, quando sei ricolmo di gioia e noti i cambiamenti interiori, quando vedi che stai diventando la mia nuova creazione, allora realizzerai che le mie parole quotidiane hanno compiuto il loro compito. Queste locuzioni sono il mio regalo per te. Sono venuta e ti ho trovato.

Commento: Il potente mondo moderno attrae alle tenebre. Quindi, Maria offre una nuova, diversa attrazione. La sua voce e le sue parole ci chiamano su un percorso sorprendente.

3 novembre 2013


Voglio che il mondo intero cerchi i miei segni. Io non ti chiedo di guardare in alto verso le nuvole, come se tu mi vedessi lì. Io voglio che tu sia sereno e che guardi nel tuo cuore. Trova lì nuovi sommovimenti e nuovi desideri. Non erano lì ieri. Tu troverai un nuovo desiderio verso Dio e la sua amicizia. Improvvisamente, vorrai iniziare nuove pratiche religiose.

In secondo luogo, inizierai a sentire la mia voce. Leggendo le mie locuzioni, ti renderai conto che io parlo in modo del tutto umano. Se rimani in pace e cerchi nel tuo cuore, comincerò a parlare con te nello stesso modo. Queste saranno piccole parole. Ne potrai anche scrivere qualcuna. Dirai: “Maria mi sta parlando”. Le locuzioni quotidiane ti guideranno. Non andrai fuori rotta. Con la lettura di queste locuzioni, conoscerai cosa mi interessa e l’aiuto che offro. Soprattutto, hai imparato a sentire la mia voce.

Commento: Maria vuole che tu senta la sua voce dentro di te. Trova un posto tranquillo e ascolta. Ogni giorno, la sua voce si farà più forte.

4 novembre 2013


Io non risparmierò alcun regalo. Il tempo è troppo breve e troppo urgente. A tutti nel mondo deve essere dato uno speciale, personale invito a rivolgersi a Gesù e ad essere salvati. Come farò a realizzare questo evento in tutto il mondo? Quando accadrà? Molti ipotizzano su questo, ma, come sempre, la speculazione è inutile.

Voglio parlare dei doni che offro in questo momento, favori speciali per tutti coloro che leggono queste locuzioni (e per gli altri che sentono qualcosa in merito). Caro lettore, invocami. Invoca il mio nome. Parla con me con le tue parole (come amo ascoltarti). Quando lo fai, io sarò in grado di agire sugli eventi della tua vita. Io mitigherò le sofferenze e porterò sollievo più rapido del previsto. Aprirò le porte che ti sono state chiuse, anche per lungo tempo. Porterò la pace nel tuo matrimonio e benedizioni sul tuo lavoro. La tua vita è troppo piena di sofferenze, oneri e anche il caos, che impediscono il regno di Gesù nella tua vita.

Invocami e agirò. Vedrai la mia bontà e la mia potenza. Questo sarà il mio segno per te.

Commento: Maria promette di aiutare tutti come lei ha aiutato la giovane coppia al banchetto di nozze a Cana.

5 novembre 2013


Quelli che mi conoscono e mi amano parlano spesso di quanto sono vicino a loro e dei tanti favori che io dono a loro. Loro sanno che io li conduco su facili sentieri e che arrivano a obiettivi lontani con poco sforzo. Sanno che li consolo in ogni dolore e, spesso, trasformo i loro dolori in gioie.

Io sono la donna di Cana per la quale Gesù compì il primo miracolo e per la quale egli opera ogni miracolo. Io sono sempre al suo fianco come un intercessore per tutto il genere umano.

A te, lettore, voglio rivelare questo titolo, La donna di Cana, in modo da potermi invocare e venire a me per tutte le tue esigenze. Porterò le tue esigenze immediatamente a Gesù e davanti ai tuoi occhi, di volta in volta, vedrai l’acqua delle tue sofferenze e prove diventare un vino di pace e di vittoria.

Io sono la donna di Cana per tutti in tutto il mondo. Quanto voglio che tutti mi invochino sotto quel titolo che ha una tale forte base biblica. Alcuni si chiedono: “Dove è Maria nella Bibbia?” Andate a Cana, e mi troverete lì. Poi, andate alla croce, e mi troverete lì. Io sono all’inizio e alla fine del ministero pubblico di Gesù.

sábado, 26 de outubro de 2013

MARÍA : Yo tomaré una nueva ruta. Voy a hablar de los acontecimientos que están en el horizonte, los eventos que están por suceder.


Los acontecimientos en el horizonte

Mensajes de Jesús y María al vidente dirigido por Monseñor John Esseff…
OCT 10-16 / 2013
1. Prediciendo los acontecimientos futuros
Octubre 10, 2013
I will take a new road. I will speak of those events that are on the horizon, events which are about to happen.
Yo tomaré una nueva ruta. Voy a hablar de los acontecimientos que están en el horizonte, los eventos que están por suceder.
I speak now of these secular events, because mankind is absorbed by the secular. As I speak about secular happenings, mankind will begin to listen. Then, I will speak words that will lead mankind into my light.
Hablo ahora de estos eventos seculares, porque la humanidad está absorta en lo secular. A medida que Yo hable sobre lo que está sucediendo, la humanidad comenzará a escuchar. Luego, les diré las palabras que conducirán a la humanidad dentro de Mi Luz.
The great forces for change in the Obama presidency have spent themselves. These fires no longer burn so fiercely. The agenda is pared down and the hearts of his followers experience no great exhilaration. Such will be this second term. The important events will not be under his control.
Las mayores influencias para el cambio en la presidencia de Obama se han agotado. Estos fuegos ya no arden tan violentamente. La agenda se ha reducido a la mínima expresión y los corazones de sus seguidores ya no experimentan euforia. Así será este segundo período. Los acontecimientos importantes no estarán bajo su control.
2. Notre Dame
Octubre 11, 2013

The waves of destruction will again erupt. Although these waves will not be permanent they will again weaken the foundations. How long can the building of peace and security stand when hit by so many waves?
Las olas de destrucción estallarán de nuevo. Aunque estas olas no serán para siempre, ellas volverán a debilitar las bases. ¿Cuánto tiempo puede resistir el edificio de la paz y seguridad cuando es golpeado por tantas olas?
The violence in Egypt will continue bursting out again and again. It will be quickly put down but will survive beneath the surface. Turkey will also experience continued unrest. It is no longer a model for building a secular state.
La violencia en Egipto seguirá desatándose una y otra vez. Ésta será sometida brevemente, pero prevalecerá encubierta. Turquía también experimentará continuos disturbios. Ya no es modelo para la construcción de un estado secular.
In these troubles, many will say, “They are far away, in other lands”. However, these waves will also strike Europe. The economic problems will soon surface. More reserves will be spent to solve the situation. Many will say, “Our ship can survive these waves”. Look at your ship. It is badly battered and taking on water every day.
En relación a estos conflictos muchos dirán: “Ellos están lejos, en otras tierras”. Sin embargo, estas olas también golpearán a Europa. Los problemas económicos emergerán pronto. Más reservas se gastarán para resolver la situación. Muchos dirán: “Nuestro barco puede sobrevivir a estas olas”. Examina tu barco. Está muy maltrecho y el agua cayéndole encima todos los días.
What can Europe do? They used to invoke me as Notre Dame (Our Lady). In those centuries, I blessed Europe and sent my sons to discover and to develop a new world. If the European leaders would again use these words, Notre Dame, I would bless them and lead them into peaceful waters. How much I love that title.
¿Qué puede hacer Europa? Ellos solían invocarme como Notre Dame (Nuestra Señora). En aquellos siglos, Yo bendije a Europa y envié a Mis hijos a descubrir y desarrollar un nuevo mundo. Si los líderes europeos usaran de nuevo esas palabras, Notre Dame, Yo los bendeciría y los conduciría hacia aguas tranquilas. Cuánto amo ese título.
3. Una Espada divide a Estados Unidos
Octubre 12, 2013

I have drawn my sword of division against America. I will divide the president from the congress and, the congress from the people. I will divide the federal government from the state governments. I will divide America from head to toe. All will be division.
Yo he desenvainado Mi espada de la división contra los Estados Unidos. Voy a separar al presidente del Congreso y al Congreso de las personas. Voy a separar al gobierno federal de los gobiernos estatales. Voy a separar a los Estados Unidos desde la cabeza a los pies. Todo estará dividido.
I do this, America, because you have drawn your sword against your unborn. They have never lived to see their own country. Why should I allow the mothers, the fathers, the doctors, the politicians, those who made money and all those who have voted for abortion to enjoy a peaceful America?
Lo hago, Estados Unidos, porque tú has desenvainado tu espada contra tus no nacidos. Ellos nunca vivieron para ver su propio país. ¿Por qué debería permitir a las madres, a los padres, a los médicos, a los políticos, a los que hacen dinero y a todos aquellos que han votado en favor del aborto, que disfruten de una América en paz?
Eventually, I will even put your constitution to the sword. Why should I protect a constitution that supposedly gives a woman the right to kill her child? I will use the very words of your own president, “I will not negotiate”. I will not sacrifice even one child upon the altar of compromise.
Con el tiempo, incluso, voy a poner tu constitución en la espada. ¿Por qué debería proteger una constitución que aparentemente da a la mujer el derecho de matar a su hijo? Yo usaré las mismas palabras de su propio presidente, “No negociaré”. Yo no sacrificaré ni siquiera un niño en el altar del compromiso.
You ask, “How long will this last”? When America puts away forever its sword of abortion, I will put away my sword of division. So, when you see all the divisions suddenly arising in American life, do not ask, “Why is this happening and how long will it last”? I have already told you the answers.
Te preguntas: “¿Cuánto tiempo durará esto?” Cuando Estados Unidos guarde para siempre su espada del aborto, Yo guardaré Mi espada de la división. Así que, cuando ustedes vean surgir todas las divisiones de repente en la vida estadounidense, no pregunten, “¿Por qué está sucediendo y cuánto tiempo durará”? Ya les he dicho las respuestas.
4. La nueva clase esclava
Octubre 13, 2013

I speak again of the growing division in America. When a person acts selfishly, they build a wall which protects their own interests. America has built a wall around its heart, a selfish protection against unborn children.
Hablo de nuevo de la división en ascenso en los Estados Unidos. Cuando una persona obra egoístamente, ellos construyen una muralla que protege sus propios intereses. Los Estados Unidos han construido una muralla alrededor de su corazón, una protección egoísta contra los niños no nacidos.
Years ago, America had a similar wall against its slaves. The power of this wall led to division, even to secession and a civil war. The wall was lifted only when slaves were given their freedom and America came together again.
Hace años, Estados Unidos tenía una muralla similar contra sus esclavos. El poder de esta muralla los condujo a la división, incluso a la secesión y a la guerra civil. El muro fue apartado solamente cuando a los esclavos se les dio su libertad y los Estados Unidos se unieron de nuevo.
The unborn children are the slave class of America and abortion is the new wall. That wall has been built into the lives and hearts of American, and it must be torn down. I want all to see the reality. The blood of the unborn is on the hands of the president and of every politician who refuses to act to end abortion.
Los niños no nacidos son la clase esclava de los Estados Unidos y el aborto es la nueva muralla. Esa pared ha sido construida en la vida y en el corazón de los americanos, y debe ser demolida. Yo quiero que todos vean la realidad. La sangre de los no nacidos está en las manos del presidente y de todos los políticos que se niegan a actuar para poner fin al aborto.
America, you have chosen this selfishness and it will plunge you into a new civil war. You already see it happening. I must warn you ahead of time. Even your constitution will not save your union.
Estados Unidos, tú has elegido estos intereses egoístas y ellos te sumergirán en una nueva guerra civil. Tú ya la verás ocurrir. Yo debo avisarte antes de tiempo. Ni siquiera tu constitución se salvará de su sindicato.
5. Una América sacudida
Octubre 14, 2013

Although wielding my sword of division, I encourage all those who stand with me in the truth that an unborn child is a person. Never, never compromise that truth. Never sacrifice any child for political expediency.
Aunque empuñando Mi espada de la división, Yo animo a todos los que están Conmigo en la verdad de que un niño no nacido es una persona. Nunca, nunca comprometan esa verdad. No sacrifiquen nunca a ningún niño por conveniencias políticas.
I speak now to all who know that the unborn is a human person. America needs to be jolted back to the path of truth. It will not be led by the hand. It will not accept words of direction. It must be jolted. It must wake up some day and discover that abortion in America is illegal, against the law. It will not accept this easily. Voices will speak out and protests will be staged but those who follow my voice must not compromise. Every unborn child must be protected by the law, as was the case decades ago.
Yo hablo ahora a todos los que saben que un no nacido es una persona humana. Los Estados Unidos necesitan ser sacudidos para que regresen al camino de la verdad. No serán llevados de la mano. No van a aceptar palabras de orientación. Ellos deben ser sacudidos. Deben despertarse un día y descubrir que el aborto en Estados Unidos es ilegal, es contrario a la ley. Ellos no lo aceptarán fácilmente. Se manifestarán voces en oposición y se escenificarán protestas, pero aquellos que siguen Mi Voz no se deben comprometer. Cada niño no nacido debe ser protegido por la ley, como era el caso hace décadas.
By these words, you will know that I want not only the life of the unborn but also the life of America itself. I will be with you in this great enterprise. Your abortion foes are weak. They have much money and great political power but they do not possess the truth that an unborn child is a person. By this truth their cause can be mortally wounded, and they know this.
Por medio de estas palabras, ustedes sabrán que Yo no solamente quiero la vida de los no nacidos, sino también la vida de los mismos americanos. Yo estaré con ustedes en esta gran empresa. Sus oponentes del aborto son débiles. Ellos tienen mucho dinero y gran poder político, pero no poseen la verdad de que un niño no nacido es una persona. Por medio de esta verdad la causa de ellos puede ser herida mortalmente, y ellos lo saben.
6. Comprendiendo la batalla
Octubre 15, 2013

Every part of the world is fought over by two kingdoms, God’s and Satan’s. No price is too big or too small. The fight is over nations, over cities, over families and over each individual person. The intensity of the battle varies, depending on the importance of each nation, each city and each person.
Cada parte del mundo está siendo disputada por dos reinos, el de Dios y el de satanás. Ningún precio es demasiado grande ni demasiado pequeño. El combate está sobre las naciones, sobre las ciudades, sobre las familias y sobre cada persona individual. La intensidad de la batalla varía, dependiendo de la importancia de cada nación, de cada ciudad y de cada persona.
Like any war, preparations have been made ahead of time. I have chosen some people from their birth and I have prepared them. Satan has done the same thing. He roams about cultures not touched by Jesus’ light and chooses his prime candidates. He fills them with darkness and prepares their path so they gain positions of power.
Como en cualquier guerra, los preparativos se han hecho antes de tiempo. Yo he escogido a algunas personas desde su nacimiento y los he preparado. Satanás ha hecho lo mismo. Él deambula alrededor de las culturas no tocadas por la Luz de Jesús y escoge a sus principales candidatos. Él los llena de oscuridad y prepara su camino de modo que ellos obtengan puestos de poder.
This is the state of the world. Many people, filled with the greatest darkness, occupy the highest places of power. Others, filled with my light, are also in place. Each day, the battle goes on. On some days, darkness wins great victories. On other days, the darkness is scattered. I want my people to think in terms of this war between light and darkness. Otherwise, their understanding of secular events will be too superficial. They will not oppose the darkness enough nor will they struggle to shine for the light, when a great possibility exists.
Así es el estado del mundo. Muchas personas, llenas de la mayor oscuridad, ocupan los más altos puestos de poder. Otras, llenas de Mi Luz, también están en su sitio. Todos los días, la batalla continúa. Algunos días, las tinieblas ganan grandes victorias. Otros días, la oscuridad se dispersa. Yo quiero que Mi pueblo piense en términos de esta guerra, entre la luz y las tinieblas. De lo contrario, su comprensión de los acontecimientos seculares será demasiado superficial. Ellos no se van a oponer lo suficiente a la oscuridad ni lucharán para que brille la luz, cuando existe una gran posibilidad.
7. Un candidato presidencial
Octubre 16, 2013

There is a great divide in America, wider than the Grand Canyon. The forces of division are greater than the forces of unity. So it will be, until I save America through one whom I love deeply.
Hay una gran separación en los Estados Unidos, más ancha que el Gran Cañón. Las fuerzas de la división son mayores que las fuerzas de la unidad. Así será, hasta que Yo salve a los Estados Unidos a través de uno a quien amo profundamente.
This is what I said in the beginning and I repeat it now. No human power can solve these divisions, but I will spare America for now. I have allowed this economic ground to shake and to tremble beneath your feet and I will rescue America by one whom I love dearly. I will offer him as a candidate for the presidency. If America accepts him, I will bless this land.
Es esto lo que Yo dije al comienzo y lo repito ahora. Ningún poder humano puede resolver estas divisiones, pero no dejaré a los Estados Unidos por ahora. Yo he permitido que este piso económico se sacuda y tiemble bajo sus pies y rescataré a Estados Unidos por alguien a quien amo mucho. Yo lo ofreceré como candidato a la presidencia. Si los Estados Unidos lo aceptan, Yo bendeciré esta tierra.

sexta-feira, 27 de setembro de 2013

Mary : The world is so engrossed in evil that the heavenly Father has no choice. He must purify the world. However, how will this come? With my help, the purification can be quick and effective. Without my help, the purification will be a terrible chastisement.

9. War and Peace
Sep 24th, 2013

Do not judge by surface events. You must see more deeply. All of human history is played out on the world stage. Every human being plays a part which they freely choose – a role of good or evil.
Heaven and hell are the real forces, attracting each person to make decisions. When the person has finished their days in human history, they will have decided to live in heaven or in hell. It is the world after death, after their time on the world stage, that is really important for each human person.
Each person lives in a different age. When the age is peaceful and the culture is filled with faith, then many go to heaven. When the age is filled with war and the culture abandons heaven, then many go to hell. That is the main issue. The importance of world peace is that many are saved. The great price of war and violence is that many are lost.

8. The Dark Secrets of the Rich

Sep 23rd, 2013

The world contains many dark secrets – pacts and understandings between powerful people. These evil designs come from the rich who would control the world by their mutual cooperation. All of these evils are hidden, unknown and done in secret.
The world is in bondage to the rich and the powerful. These people owe their status to Satan, who enslaves them by their greed and ambition. He tightens the noose around the world’s systems, hiding his plans even from the rich and powerful whom he uses so cleverly. They, too, will be caught in his trap.
The moment comes ever closer. He waits until the whole world is in his hands. Then he will act and everyone will be enslaved.
I am the Woman Clothed With the Sun. I reveal these things to my children. When they see the world’s systems thrown into great confusion, they will trust in me. Begin now. The closer you are to me, the more I can help you. When will Russia be consecrated to my Immaculate Heart?

8. New Entanglements
Sep 23rd, 2013

It seems as if the Syrian crisis has been avoided. However, that is only what meets the eye. Instead, President Obama has taken some fatal steps of new entanglements. He aligns himself now with Putin and Assad. When he needed them in the crisis, they saw their opportunity to shift their relationship with America while giving up very little – really nothing.
Iran is the big winner. President Obama has drawn close to and is in debt to Iran’s allies, Russia and Syria. Iran is included in this agreement, even though its name is not mentioned. Later, the full ramifications of these secret agreements will entrap President Obama and America.
Syria is not the focal point of Stan’s destruction but the long-lasting war is preparing for and leading up to his explosion. When will the Holy Father consecrate Russia so the forces of peace will be unleashed?

7. Peace for the Nations

Sep 22nd, 2013

The forces of violence are everywhere, always looking for the best opportunity to inflict the greatest suffering at the least possible price. The West spends its money in trying to safeguard its people but so many places lie unprotected. “Where will the next attack come?” That is always the question. Can you not fight back? Can you not push away this evil force? Not with your own powers (how powerless you are!) but I offer to the nations this breath of peace.
If I put forth this promise decades ago, many nations would quickly respond. Now, the faith has grown dim and the light of hope is almost extinguished. I must act quickly. Let the words lift up your hearts. Call upon me. Gather publicly. Invoke me as the Woman Clothed With the Sun. Wherever there is violence, hatred and strife, I will breathe peace. Many people will hope again. These will be the beginning steps. I must wait for you to act.

6. Mary’s Breath of Peace

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The world is so engrossed in evil that the heavenly Father has no choice. He must purify the world. However, how will this come? With my help, the purification can be quick and effective. Without my help, the purification will be a terrible chastisement.
I speak now of a surprising breath of peace. Let us leave aside, for a moment, the enormous darkness that lay hidden in the ocean. Let us look around the world for places where I can breathe a new air of peace.
I turn my eyes to the Philippines where people always look to me. I see the struggle that they have had for many decades to defend their lands. If they raise their voices to me day and night, even beyond their present devotions, I will breathe peace upon them.
I also see the violence in the little towns and villages of Latin America. Here, too, people hold me dear. I promise that if any town or village cries out to me day and night, I will breathe peace.
I also see the homes in all the world where peace is endangered. Let the family call upon me, with constant, daily faith, and I will breathe peace upon the home. And you, O reader, are there not parts of your life where no peace exists? Cry out to me and I will breathe peace.
This peace is not the great peace that I promise when the pope consecrates Russia to my Immaculate Heart. However, I cannot wait. I must give my breath of peace now.

5. The Darkness of World Leaders

Sep 20th, 2013

The greatest darkness is those who currently guide the world. Look at the world leaders. Is there even one who would lead the world according to heaven’s light? Begin with the Muslim brotherhood and the terrorist groups. Will they lead the world to peace? Look at Russia. They are supplying arms to terrorist nations. Look at the European leadership. Their union has renounced its Christian foundations and thrown off heaven’s protection. Look at America. Can a nation that refuses to protect its unborn keep the whole world safe?
World leaders are the great darkness. Centuries ago, there was a Christian West that allowed the pope’s voice to be heard. Now, his voice is silenced, quoted only when it serves their purposes.
Do you not see my plan? I would exalt the papacy. I would make it the greatest force in world peace. The three Fatima children believed my words. I promised them a sign and vindicated their faith by the dance of the sun. Have I not promised the conversion of Russia followed by a great period of peace if the pope consecrates Russia to my Immaculate Heart? Is this consecration not to be done openly, in full faith for all the world to see? Would I then do nothing? I want to exalt the papacy, not make it a laughing stock. Remember, I am the Woman Clothed With the Sun. I will act on the world stage but I wait to be asked.

4. The New Forces of Darkness

Sep 19th, 2013

What are these dark forces that lie hidden in the ocean of human life? Why do they exist and how did they get there? They are new forces, never before present in human history. They come from all the inventions and the new technology. These powerful forces have fallen into the wrong hands. There are many scientists and other intelligent people who work for Satan (even when they are unaware of that). They are his instruments, unlocking God’s secrets placed in creation, but then using them for selfish goals.
After these technologies are developed, they are used with no reference to heaven’s lights. The world is like children attracted by butterflies, wandering off of God’s paths and led into unthinkable dangers. This is the current state of mankind.
I must repeat the message. “Only heaven can rescue you. Turn back to the devotions of your Catholic faith. O reader, do not wait for the world. It will never turn back. I invite you personally to come back to me.”

3. Three Dark Forces
Sep 18th, 2013

The world today is like an ocean with many waves. These are the daily problems that constantly beat upon the shores. These difficulties come and go, reported in the news but they are quickly forgotten.
Far greater darkness is buried deeply in this ocean. If released, these forces will change the world forever. Two are obvious – the dark forces of the global economic systems and of the great weapons that are being amassed. However, other forces also exist. Because of the global communications, large numbers of people can be stirred to violence quickly. Even more important, they can be filled with fears that will cause panic. Besides these two, I want to speak of the greatest of dangers. With global communication, leaders can be raised up by Satan who cleverly guides mankind onto false roads by decisions made over a period of time. These are fatal steps that can never be retraced.
When good people realize what has happened, they will cry out, “Only heaven can help us”. My message today is this, “O mankind, you have already reached that point. Only heaven can help you. By these messages I say that heaven is quite ready to help you. Return to the faith of your childhood. Do not despise the little acts of devotion that turn your heart to heaven. If you do this, I will help you”.