sexta-feira, 27 de setembro de 2013

Mary : The world is so engrossed in evil that the heavenly Father has no choice. He must purify the world. However, how will this come? With my help, the purification can be quick and effective. Without my help, the purification will be a terrible chastisement.

9. War and Peace
Sep 24th, 2013

Do not judge by surface events. You must see more deeply. All of human history is played out on the world stage. Every human being plays a part which they freely choose – a role of good or evil.
Heaven and hell are the real forces, attracting each person to make decisions. When the person has finished their days in human history, they will have decided to live in heaven or in hell. It is the world after death, after their time on the world stage, that is really important for each human person.
Each person lives in a different age. When the age is peaceful and the culture is filled with faith, then many go to heaven. When the age is filled with war and the culture abandons heaven, then many go to hell. That is the main issue. The importance of world peace is that many are saved. The great price of war and violence is that many are lost.

8. The Dark Secrets of the Rich

Sep 23rd, 2013

The world contains many dark secrets – pacts and understandings between powerful people. These evil designs come from the rich who would control the world by their mutual cooperation. All of these evils are hidden, unknown and done in secret.
The world is in bondage to the rich and the powerful. These people owe their status to Satan, who enslaves them by their greed and ambition. He tightens the noose around the world’s systems, hiding his plans even from the rich and powerful whom he uses so cleverly. They, too, will be caught in his trap.
The moment comes ever closer. He waits until the whole world is in his hands. Then he will act and everyone will be enslaved.
I am the Woman Clothed With the Sun. I reveal these things to my children. When they see the world’s systems thrown into great confusion, they will trust in me. Begin now. The closer you are to me, the more I can help you. When will Russia be consecrated to my Immaculate Heart?

8. New Entanglements
Sep 23rd, 2013

It seems as if the Syrian crisis has been avoided. However, that is only what meets the eye. Instead, President Obama has taken some fatal steps of new entanglements. He aligns himself now with Putin and Assad. When he needed them in the crisis, they saw their opportunity to shift their relationship with America while giving up very little – really nothing.
Iran is the big winner. President Obama has drawn close to and is in debt to Iran’s allies, Russia and Syria. Iran is included in this agreement, even though its name is not mentioned. Later, the full ramifications of these secret agreements will entrap President Obama and America.
Syria is not the focal point of Stan’s destruction but the long-lasting war is preparing for and leading up to his explosion. When will the Holy Father consecrate Russia so the forces of peace will be unleashed?

7. Peace for the Nations

Sep 22nd, 2013

The forces of violence are everywhere, always looking for the best opportunity to inflict the greatest suffering at the least possible price. The West spends its money in trying to safeguard its people but so many places lie unprotected. “Where will the next attack come?” That is always the question. Can you not fight back? Can you not push away this evil force? Not with your own powers (how powerless you are!) but I offer to the nations this breath of peace.
If I put forth this promise decades ago, many nations would quickly respond. Now, the faith has grown dim and the light of hope is almost extinguished. I must act quickly. Let the words lift up your hearts. Call upon me. Gather publicly. Invoke me as the Woman Clothed With the Sun. Wherever there is violence, hatred and strife, I will breathe peace. Many people will hope again. These will be the beginning steps. I must wait for you to act.

6. Mary’s Breath of Peace

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The world is so engrossed in evil that the heavenly Father has no choice. He must purify the world. However, how will this come? With my help, the purification can be quick and effective. Without my help, the purification will be a terrible chastisement.
I speak now of a surprising breath of peace. Let us leave aside, for a moment, the enormous darkness that lay hidden in the ocean. Let us look around the world for places where I can breathe a new air of peace.
I turn my eyes to the Philippines where people always look to me. I see the struggle that they have had for many decades to defend their lands. If they raise their voices to me day and night, even beyond their present devotions, I will breathe peace upon them.
I also see the violence in the little towns and villages of Latin America. Here, too, people hold me dear. I promise that if any town or village cries out to me day and night, I will breathe peace.
I also see the homes in all the world where peace is endangered. Let the family call upon me, with constant, daily faith, and I will breathe peace upon the home. And you, O reader, are there not parts of your life where no peace exists? Cry out to me and I will breathe peace.
This peace is not the great peace that I promise when the pope consecrates Russia to my Immaculate Heart. However, I cannot wait. I must give my breath of peace now.

5. The Darkness of World Leaders

Sep 20th, 2013

The greatest darkness is those who currently guide the world. Look at the world leaders. Is there even one who would lead the world according to heaven’s light? Begin with the Muslim brotherhood and the terrorist groups. Will they lead the world to peace? Look at Russia. They are supplying arms to terrorist nations. Look at the European leadership. Their union has renounced its Christian foundations and thrown off heaven’s protection. Look at America. Can a nation that refuses to protect its unborn keep the whole world safe?
World leaders are the great darkness. Centuries ago, there was a Christian West that allowed the pope’s voice to be heard. Now, his voice is silenced, quoted only when it serves their purposes.
Do you not see my plan? I would exalt the papacy. I would make it the greatest force in world peace. The three Fatima children believed my words. I promised them a sign and vindicated their faith by the dance of the sun. Have I not promised the conversion of Russia followed by a great period of peace if the pope consecrates Russia to my Immaculate Heart? Is this consecration not to be done openly, in full faith for all the world to see? Would I then do nothing? I want to exalt the papacy, not make it a laughing stock. Remember, I am the Woman Clothed With the Sun. I will act on the world stage but I wait to be asked.

4. The New Forces of Darkness

Sep 19th, 2013

What are these dark forces that lie hidden in the ocean of human life? Why do they exist and how did they get there? They are new forces, never before present in human history. They come from all the inventions and the new technology. These powerful forces have fallen into the wrong hands. There are many scientists and other intelligent people who work for Satan (even when they are unaware of that). They are his instruments, unlocking God’s secrets placed in creation, but then using them for selfish goals.
After these technologies are developed, they are used with no reference to heaven’s lights. The world is like children attracted by butterflies, wandering off of God’s paths and led into unthinkable dangers. This is the current state of mankind.
I must repeat the message. “Only heaven can rescue you. Turn back to the devotions of your Catholic faith. O reader, do not wait for the world. It will never turn back. I invite you personally to come back to me.”

3. Three Dark Forces
Sep 18th, 2013

The world today is like an ocean with many waves. These are the daily problems that constantly beat upon the shores. These difficulties come and go, reported in the news but they are quickly forgotten.
Far greater darkness is buried deeply in this ocean. If released, these forces will change the world forever. Two are obvious – the dark forces of the global economic systems and of the great weapons that are being amassed. However, other forces also exist. Because of the global communications, large numbers of people can be stirred to violence quickly. Even more important, they can be filled with fears that will cause panic. Besides these two, I want to speak of the greatest of dangers. With global communication, leaders can be raised up by Satan who cleverly guides mankind onto false roads by decisions made over a period of time. These are fatal steps that can never be retraced.
When good people realize what has happened, they will cry out, “Only heaven can help us”. My message today is this, “O mankind, you have already reached that point. Only heaven can help you. By these messages I say that heaven is quite ready to help you. Return to the faith of your childhood. Do not despise the little acts of devotion that turn your heart to heaven. If you do this, I will help you”.

sexta-feira, 6 de setembro de 2013

JESUS: The fires of Syria contain unimaginable evil that can easily break forth to cause greater destruction. The Holy Father has taken the correct course, asking for prayer and fasting. From this will come a wave of peace that will surprise many.

Special Locution – The Fires of Syria


1. Introduction

Our Lord and Our Lady have begun to speak again about the Middle East unrest. I believe that these words need to be published immediately.
Monsignor Esseff
I must speak clearly and quickly. The situation is more than urgent. The fires of Syria will spill over. They can no longer be contained. The leader is too determined. He will never surrender or agree to any compromise, even if he is surrounded by his enemies. Also, he has at his disposal great weapons that he has both stored up and that he constantly receives from outside. Third, his opposition is not a united force. They come from various groups with quite differing goals. Their hearts are not one, nor do all seek the same solution.
Syria’s leadership remains in power even though many thought that he would topple like the other leaders. He has deepened his foundation and drawn around him those who will be faithful, even if just for fear of their own lives. This is the situation today. What will tomorrow bring? That is why I speak.
Many see Syria as a contained threat. They lament that there was no concerted action taken in the beginning. However, I am not speaking about the past. It is the future that holds the greatest fire. The destruction in Syria will spill over and will begin to go beyond its borders. The fires will feed on other lands and other peoples. Again, because of the confusion among world leaders, it will become too late to respond. More people will be sacrificed to this demonic evil.
Even this phase will not be the end, but only a preparation for destruction in that area that no one can imagine. This new destruction will not come immediately but will inevitably happen.
President Obama is both confused and criticized. This is dangerous. If he acts precipitously to overcome the criticism, he will cause greater destruction to occur.

2. Syria – The Precursor

What will I say about Syria? The events have begun and will lead to other more destructive events and., then, to even more destruction. The fuse has been lit and is now burning. Syria is not the place of the great future explosion or of the greatest destruction, but Syria is the precursor of these events. Syria, even with all of its turmoil does not possess the great weapons or the destructive powers possessed by other nations.
However, its role as precursor should alert everyone that the time before wide scale destruction is very short – far closer than anyone expects. Other leaders see that Syria has survived by using weapons that all the world has banned. In this sense, he is the precursor of later events.
Israel knows that it is alone and cannot firmly count on anyone. It also knows the precarious state of its own survival. It must plot its own course and its own actions. It cannot wait or hold back. It knows that it will suffer attacks and looks only to minimize the destruction.
America, oh America, you were to be the source of world peace but you have been so weakened. You have gone astray. You have neither the might nor the will to fulfill the tasks I had in store for you

3. Importance of Jordan

I hold Israel at the center of my heart. I was born in Israel and the great events of the world’s redemption took place there.
The ring of protection around Israel is being stripped away and replaced by enemies. Israel’s most important protection is Jordan. I want you to pray for the stability of Jordan. The longer that Jordan remains stable, the safer is Israel and the more the demonic timetable is pushed back.
If Jordan remains stable, Israel will be able to plan its own defense because everything will not suddenly collapse, leaving no time for self-defense. Jordan’s border with Israel is very important. If Jordan collapses and falls under terrorist control, then Israel’s border can easily be pierced. Attacks from Lebanon and the Gaza Strip will never have the power which an attack from Jordanian territory would have. Jordan is key to Israel’s survival.

4. Annihilation of the Nations

Syria will destabilize the Middle East but it will not be the focal point of the second stage of destruction. Until now, with the civil uprisings, the destruction has been internal to each nation.
The second step is war between nations. In this war, other countries will inevitably be drawn in. Although seemingly small, no power will be present to prevent this conflict.
The third stage is the annihilation of some nations as prophesied at Fatima. This will have horrible, unimaginable consequences for the whole world, which will never be the same.
For 2000 years, Satan has planned this annihilation as his way of claiming back the world that I redeemed by my blood. I do not want this annihilation. That is why my mother has spoken so often and why I am now speaking so clearly. The world must be told that the annihilation of the nations is not far away. If the Church does not want to reveal the truths contained in the Fatima secret, then I will use this little voice to do so.

5. A Terrible Mistake

The fires of Syria contain unimaginable evil that can easily break forth to cause greater destruction. This will encompass the Middle East and beyond.
President Obama has placed his finger upon the trigger and is about to fire missiles into this fire. He does not realize the untold harm, the great loss of life and the retaliation that awaits such an action.
How has he come to this foolish position? Satan has led him to this point. If he takes this step, he will plunge America into a fire that will not be shaken off. What a terrible, terrible mistake.
The Holy Father has taken the correct course, asking for prayer and fasting. From this will come a wave of peace that will surprise many. In the coming days, war and peace will clash. Pray and fast for peace.

GESÙ : I fuochi della Siria contengono un male inimmaginabili che può facilmente erompere per causare una maggiore distruzione. Il Santo Padre ha preso la rotta corretta, chiedendo la preghiera e il digiuno. Da questo arriverà un’ondata di pace che sorprenderà molti.

Monsignor Esseff: Nostro Signore e la Madonna hanno cominciato a parlare di nuovo dei disordini in Medio Oriente. Credo che queste parole debbano essere pubblicate immediatamente.

23 agosto 2013
Nostro Signore e la Madonna hanno cominciato a parlare di nuovo dei disordini in Medio Oriente. Credo che queste parole debbano essere pubblicate immediatamente.
Monsignor Esseff
Devo parlare in modo chiaro e rapido. La situazione è più che urgente. I fuochi della Siria divamperanno all’esterno. Non possono più essere contenuti. Il leader è troppo determinato. Egli non si arrenderà mai o non accetterà alcun compromesso, anche se egli è circondato dai suoi nemici. Inoltre, egli ha a disposizione grandi armi che ha sia accumulato, sia riceve costantemente dall’esterno. In terzo luogo, la sua opposizione non è una forza unita. Essi provengono da diversi gruppi con obiettivi molto diversi. I loro cuori non sono uniti, né tutti cercano la stessa soluzione.
La leadership siriana resta al potere anche se molti pensavano che sarebbe crollata come gli altri leader. Ha approfondito le sue fondamenta e attratto intorno ad essa coloro che saranno fedeli, anche se solo per paura della loro stessa vita. Questa è la situazione oggi. Che cosa porterà il domani? È per questo che parlo.
Molti vedono la Siria come una minaccia contenuta. Essi lamentano che non vi era alcuna concertazione presa all’inizio. Tuttavia, io non sto parlando del passato. È il futuro che detiene il maggior fuoco. La distruzione in Siria strariperà ed inizierà ad andare oltre i suoi confini. I fuochi si nutriranno di altre terre ed altri popoli. Anche in questo caso, a causa della confusione tra i leader mondiali, diventerà troppo tardi per reagire. Più persone saranno sacrificate a questo male demoniaco.
Anche questa fase non sarà la fine, ma solo una preparazione per la distruzione in quella zona che nessuno può immaginare. Questa nuova distruzione non arriverà subito, ma inevitabilmente accadrà.
Il presidente Obama è sia confuso che criticato. Questo è pericoloso. Se agisce precipitosamente per superare le critiche, egli causerà il verificarsi di una maggiore distruzione.
26 agosto 2013
Cosa posso dire circa la Siria? Gli eventi sono iniziati e porteranno ad altri eventi più distruttivi e, quindi, ad ancora più distruzione. La miccia è stata accesa ed è ora sta bruciando. La Siria non è il luogo della grande esplosione futura o della più grande distruzione, ma la Siria è il precursore di questi eventi. La Siria, anche con tutte le sue turbolenze, non possiede le grandi armi od i poteri distruttivi posseduti da altre nazioni.
Tuttavia, il suo ruolo di precursore dovrebbe avvisare tutti che il tempo prima che la distruzione sia su vasta scala è molto breve - molto più vicino di quanto ci si aspetta. Altri leader vedono che la Siria è sopravvissuta utilizzando armi che tutto il mondo ha vietato. In questo senso, egli è il precursore di eventi successivi.
Israele sa che non è solo e non può fermamente contare su nessuno. Esso conosce anche il precario stato della propria sopravvivenza. Esso deve tracciare il proprio corso e le proprie azioni. Non può aspettare o trattenersi. Sa che subirà attacchi e guarda solo come ridurre al minimo la distruzione.
America, oh America, avresti dovuto essere la fonte della pace nel mondo, ma sei stata così indebolita. Ti sei smarrita. Tu non hai né la forza né la volontà di svolgere i compiti che avevo in serbo per te.
27 agosto 2013
Tengo Israele al centro del mio cuore. Sono nata in Israele ed i grandi eventi della redenzione del mondo si sono svolti lì.
L’anello di protezione attorno a Israele viene strappato via e sostituito da nemici. La più importante protezione di Israele è la Giordania. Voglio che preghiate per la stabilità della Giordania. Quanto più a lungo la Giordania resta stabile, quanto più sicuro è Israele e quanto più il calendario demoniaco è respinto indietro.
Se la Giordania resta stabile, Israele sarà in grado di pianificare la propria difesa, perché tutto non crollerà improvvisamente, senza lasciare il tempo per l’auto-difesa. Il confine della Giordania con Israele è molto importante. Se la Giordania crolla e cade sotto il controllo terrorista, allora il confine di Israele può essere facilmente perforato. Gli attacchi dal Libano e dalla Striscia di Gaza non avrebbero mai il potere che un attacco dal territorio giordano avrebbe. La Giordania è la chiave per la sopravvivenza di Israele.
2 settembre 2013
La Siria destabilizzerà il Medio Oriente, ma non sarà il punto focale della seconda fase di distruzione. Fino ad ora, con le rivolte civili, la distruzione è stata interna a ciascuna nazione.
Il secondo passo è la guerra tra le nazioni. In questa guerra, altri paesi saranno inevitabilmente attratti dentro. Anche se apparentemente piccolo, nessun potere sarà presente per evitare questo conflitto.
La terza fase è l’annientamento di alcune nazioni come profetizzato a Fatima. Questo avrà orribili conseguenze inimmaginabili per il mondo intero, che non sarà più lo stesso.
Per 2000 anni, Satana ha pianificato questo annientamento come il suo modo di reclamare indietro il mondo che Io ho riscattato col mio Sangue. Io non voglio questo annientamento. È per questo che mia madre ha parlato così spesso e per questo ora sto parlando in modo così chiaro. Al mondo deve essere detto che l’annientamento delle nazioni non è lontano. Se la Chiesa non vuole rivelare le verità contenute nel segreto di Fatima, quindi userò questa piccola voce per farlo.
4 settembre 2013
I fuochi della Siria contengono un male inimmaginabili che può facilmente erompere per causare una maggiore distruzione. Ciò racchiuderà il Medio Oriente ed oltre.
Il presidente Obama ha messo il dito sul grilletto e si appresta a lanciare missili in questo fuoco. Non si rende conto del danno incalcolabile, la grande perdita di vite umane e la rappresaglia che attende una tale azione.
Come è arrivato a questa stolta posizione? Satana lo ha portato a questo punto. Se lui farà questo passo, getterà l’America in un fuoco che non sarà estinto. Che terribile, terribile errore.
Il Santo Padre ha preso la rotta corretta, chiedendo la preghiera e il digiuno. Da questo arriverà un’ondata di pace che sorprenderà molti. Nei prossimi giorni, la guerra e la pace si scontreranno. Pregate e digiunate per la pace.

quinta-feira, 5 de setembro de 2013

Maria: Il Santo Padre ha preso la rotta corretta, chiedendo la preghiera e il digiuno. Da questo arriverà un’ondata di pace che sorprenderà molti. Nei prossimi giorni, la guerra e la pace si scontreranno. Pregate e digiunate per la pace.

(dal 10/12/2010 al 5/9/2013)
La potenza dello Spirito Santo nei battezzati
(22/8/2013 - 5/9/2013)
I Fuochi della Siria
(23/8/2013 - 4/9/2013)

23 agosto 2013


Nostro Signore e la Madonna hanno cominciato a parlare di nuovo dei disordini in Medio Oriente. Credo che queste parole debbano essere pubblicate immediatamente.

Monsignor Esseff


Devo parlare in modo chiaro e rapido. La situazione è più che urgente. I fuochi della Siria divamperanno all’esterno. Non possono più essere contenuti. Il leader è troppo determinato. Egli non si arrenderà mai o non accetterà alcun compromesso, anche se egli è circondato dai suoi nemici. Inoltre, egli ha a disposizione grandi armi che ha sia accumulato, sia riceve costantemente dall’esterno. In terzo luogo, la sua opposizione non è una forza unita. Essi provengono da diversi gruppi con obiettivi molto diversi. I loro cuori non sono uniti, né tutti cercano la stessa soluzione.

La leadership siriana resta al potere anche se molti pensavano che sarebbe crollata come gli altri leader. Ha approfondito le sue fondamenta e attratto intorno ad essa coloro che saranno fedeli, anche se solo per paura della loro stessa vita. Questa è la situazione oggi. Che cosa porterà il domani? È per questo che parlo.

Molti vedono la Siria come una minaccia contenuta. Essi lamentano che non vi era alcuna concertazione presa all’inizio. Tuttavia, io non sto parlando del passato. È il futuro che detiene il maggior fuoco. La distruzione in Siria strariperà ed inizierà ad andare oltre i suoi confini. I fuochi si nutriranno di altre terre ed altri popoli. Anche in questo caso, a causa della confusione tra i leader mondiali, diventerà troppo tardi per reagire. Più persone saranno sacrificate a questo male demoniaco.

Anche questa fase non sarà la fine, ma solo una preparazione per la distruzione in quella zona che nessuno può immaginare. Questa nuova distruzione non arriverà subito, ma inevitabilmente accadrà.

Il presidente Obama è sia confuso che criticato. Questo è pericoloso. Se agisce precipitosamente per superare le critiche, egli causerà il verificarsi di una maggiore distruzione.

26 agosto 2013


Cosa posso dire circa la Siria? Gli eventi sono iniziati e porteranno ad altri eventi più distruttivi e, quindi, ad ancora più distruzione. La miccia è stata accesa ed è ora sta bruciando. La Siria non è il luogo della grande esplosione futura o della più grande distruzione, ma la Siria è il precursore di questi eventi. La Siria, anche con tutte le sue turbolenze, non possiede le grandi armi od i poteri distruttivi posseduti da altre nazioni.

Tuttavia, il suo ruolo di precursore dovrebbe avvisare tutti che il tempo prima che la distruzione sia su vasta scala è molto breve - molto più vicino di quanto ci si aspetta. Altri leader vedono che la Siria è sopravvissuta utilizzando armi che tutto il mondo ha vietato. In questo senso, egli è il precursore di eventi successivi.

Israele sa che non è solo e non può fermamente contare su nessuno. Esso conosce anche il precario stato della propria sopravvivenza. Esso deve tracciare il proprio corso e le proprie azioni. Non può aspettare o trattenersi. Sa che subirà attacchi e guarda solo come ridurre al minimo la distruzione.

America, oh America, avresti dovuto essere la fonte della pace nel mondo, ma sei stata così indebolita. Ti sei smarrita. Tu non hai né la forza né la volontà di svolgere i compiti che avevo in serbo per te.

27 agosto 2013


Tengo Israele al centro del mio cuore. Sono nata in Israele ed i grandi eventi della redenzione del mondo si sono svolti lì.

L’anello di protezione attorno a Israele viene strappato via e sostituito da nemici. La più importante protezione di Israele è la Giordania. Voglio che preghiate per la stabilità della Giordania. Quanto più a lungo la Giordania resta stabile, quanto più sicuro è Israele e quanto più il calendario demoniaco è respinto indietro.

Se la Giordania resta stabile, Israele sarà in grado di pianificare la propria difesa, perché tutto non crollerà improvvisamente, senza lasciare il tempo per l’auto-difesa. Il confine della Giordania con Israele è molto importante. Se la Giordania crolla e cade sotto il controllo terrorista, allora il confine di Israele può essere facilmente perforato. Gli attacchi dal Libano e dalla Striscia di Gaza non avrebbero mai il potere che un attacco dal territorio giordano avrebbe. La Giordania è la chiave per la sopravvivenza di Israele.

2 settembre 2013


La Siria destabilizzerà il Medio Oriente, ma non sarà il punto focale della seconda fase di distruzione. Fino ad ora, con le rivolte civili, la distruzione è stata interna a ciascuna nazione.

Il secondo passo è la guerra tra le nazioni. In questa guerra, altri paesi saranno inevitabilmente attratti dentro. Anche se apparentemente piccolo, nessun potere sarà presente per evitare questo conflitto.

La terza fase è l’annientamento di alcune nazioni come profetizzato a Fatima. Questo avrà orribili conseguenze inimmaginabili per il mondo intero, che non sarà più lo stesso.

Per 2000 anni, Satana ha pianificato questo annientamento come il suo modo di reclamare indietro il mondo che Io ho riscattato col mio Sangue. Io non voglio questo annientamento. È per questo che mia madre ha parlato così spesso e per questo ora sto parlando in modo così chiaro. Al mondo deve essere detto che l’annientamento delle nazioni non è lontano. Se la Chiesa non vuole rivelare le verità contenute nel segreto di Fatima, quindi userò questa piccola voce per farlo.

4 settembre 2013


I fuochi della Siria contengono un male inimmaginabili che può facilmente erompere per causare una maggiore distruzione. Ciò racchiuderà il Medio Oriente ed oltre.

Il presidente Obama ha messo il dito sul grilletto e si appresta a lanciare missili in questo fuoco. Non si rende conto del danno incalcolabile, la grande perdita di vite umane e la rappresaglia che attende una tale azione.

Come è arrivato a questa stolta posizione? Satana lo ha portato a questo punto. Se lui farà questo passo, getterà l’America in un fuoco che non sarà estinto. Che terribile, terribile errore.

Il Santo Padre ha preso la rotta corretta, chiedendo la preghiera e il digiuno. Da questo arriverà un’ondata di pace che sorprenderà molti. Nei prossimi giorni, la guerra e la pace si scontreranno. Pregate e digiunate per la pace.

Mary: I will soon begin to speak to you for the whole world. You will receive these words as you have received all the other words. You will write the words down and record the proper dates. You will take these words to Monsignor Esseff, for his discernment.

 Let the Word go Forth
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I will soon begin to speak to you for the whole world. You will receive these words as you have received all the other words. You will write the words down and record the proper dates. You will take these words to Monsignor Esseff, for his discernment. If his heart discerns that these messages should be released to the whole world they will go forth. He will correctly say that these are being given to one of his directees. The time is short and that is why I have moved you so quickly.


Monsignor John Esseff
Monsignor John Esseff and Mother Teresa
Let me introduce myself; I am Monsignor John Esseff, a diocesan priest of Scranton, Pa., ordained in 1953. In 1959, Padre Pio became my spiritual director. For many years, I was the spiritual director for Mother Teresa of Calcutta. As a favor to her, I traveled all over the world, giving retreats, to her sisters. Above all, I am privileged to be spiritual director for hundreds of souls, at every stage of the spiritual life. Some are beginners, others are advanced and some are mystics.
For many years, I have been director for a special soul. Five years ago, Jesus and Mary began to speak to this soul through the gift of locutions (as described by John of the Cross). These locutions now total over 800. I have discerned the validity of these locutions. Until now, these locutions were personal teachings given for the small community that gathered in prayer. Beginning on December 10, 2010, a new phase began, namely, some locutions were to be told to the whole world.
The beginning locutions are very special; focusing on the Fatima Vision (released by the Vatican (June 2000).
Concerning Private Revelations: These are private revelations and there is no need to believe them. If these revelations help your faith, then receive them. If not, you can set them aside. We are called to believe only public revelations.

1. Introduction

Our Lord and Our Lady have begun to speak again about the Middle East unrest. I believe that these words need to be published immediately.
Monsignor Esseff
I must speak clearly and quickly. The situation is more than urgent. The fires of Syria will spill over. They can no longer be contained. The leader is too determined. He will never surrender or agree to any compromise, even if he is surrounded by his enemies. Also, he has at his disposal great weapons that he has both stored up and that he constantly receives from outside. Third, his opposition is not a united force. They come from various groups with quite differing goals. Their hearts are not one, nor do all seek the same solution.
Syria’s leadership remains in power even though many thought that he would topple like the other leaders. He has deepened his foundation and drawn around him those who will be faithful, even if just for fear of their own lives. This is the situation today. What will tomorrow bring? That is why I speak.
Many see Syria as a contained threat. They lament that there was no concerted action taken in the beginning. However, I am not speaking about the past. It is the future that holds the greatest fire. The destruction in Syria will spill over and will begin to go beyond its borders. The fires will feed on other lands and other peoples. Again, because of the confusion among world leaders, it will become too late to respond. More people will be sacrificed to this demonic evil.
Even this phase will not be the end, but only a preparation for destruction in that area that no one can imagine. This new destruction will not come immediately but will inevitably happen.
President Obama is both confused and criticized. This is dangerous. If he acts precipitously to overcome the criticism, he will cause greater destruction to occur.

2. The Spirit’s Anointing

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The heavenly Father had given Jesus definite tasks to accomplish. He had to preach, to heal , and to raise from the dead. He also had to be obedient even to his death on the cross. To fulfill the Father’s will Jesus was anointed with the Holy Spirit at his Baptism. Even before that, Jesus was led by the Spirit. That is why he knew to remain in the temple (his Father’s house) when he was 12 years old.
Jesus was quite aware of the Spirit’s anointing. He told those in the Nazareth synagogue, “The Spirit of the Lord is upon me because he has anointed me to bring good news to the poor”.
He also knew that the Father would send the Paraclete, the Spirit of Truth upon the disciples. He prophesied, “You will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes down upon you”. He commanded the disciples not to leave Jerusalem but to wait for the Holy Spirit, the promise of the Father.
The Father had his task of creation. Jesus had his task of redemption. The Spirit has his task of sanctification. He fulfills this task every day but he needs the cooperation of the baptized to fulfill it.

3. Changed Lives

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The Holy Spirit brought about many miracles among the early disciples but his greatest manifestation was their changed lives. A great holiness came upon the Early Church. Each person was a new creation. The former sins were put away and goodness filled them.
They rejoiced to be with each other, to share in the prayers, the Eucharist and their common life. When people came into Jesus’ presence, they knew that they had to change their life. If not, they departed (as Judas at the Last Supper). So it was with the early community, formed by the Spirit of Jesus. The Church’s fervor called the person to goodness. The Holy Spirit used this community as his instrument in changing lives. This was the secret of the Church’s tremendous growth.

4. The Believing Community

Do not be surprised at all that I reveal about my spouse, the Spirit of Jesus, because so much has been hidden for so long. Today, I will speak of the community of believers which he formed by the powers of Baptism. Much is lacking in the Church because the powers of Baptism are unknown. They are unknown because there exists no true community of believers who manifest these powers and can communicate them to the newly baptized.
Recall the scenes of the Early Church. Because of a special joy, all the believers wanted to come together. The Spirit joined their hearts in the gift of religious experiences. They knew that the Spirit was in their midst. His signs and wonders manifested him. He became present to each believer by his living flame. This is what is missing today, a community which daily experiences the fire of the Spirit and communicates this fire to new believers.

2. Syria – The Precursor

What will I say about Syria? The events have begun and will lead to other more destructive events and., then, to even more destruction. The fuse has been lit and is now burning. Syria is not the place of the great future explosion or of the greatest destruction, but Syria is the precursor of these events. Syria, even with all of its turmoil does not possess the great weapons or the destructive powers possessed by other nations.
However, its role as precursor should alert everyone that the time before wide scale destruction is very short – far closer than anyone expects. Other leaders see that Syria has survived by using weapons that all the world has banned. In this sense, he is the precursor of later events.
Israel knows that it is alone and cannot firmly count on anyone. It also knows the precarious state of its own survival. It must plot its own course and its own actions. It cannot wait or hold back. It knows that it will suffer attacks and looks only to minimize the destruction.
America, oh America, you were to be the source of world peace but you have been so weakened. You have gone astray. You have neither the might nor the will to fulfill the tasks I had in store for you

5. The Mighty Rivers

The Holy Spirit comes as a mighty river. The soul finds itself filled with a great joy. Tears flow. Emotions pour out. The soul feels like some divine fire pierced its heart. The soul has no doubt. No one needs to explain the Holy Spirit who now works so powerfully within.
At other times, the Spirit comes like a quiet stream. Again, the soul cannot doubt. Peace, a deep and lasting peace, covers the soul. It believes and hopes in God with no effort at all. Some divine power surrounds the soul All is different. Again, the soul knows that it abides in God’s loving hands.
There are two secrets to this great release of the Holy Spirit. First, the person must know and seek these powers. The Spirit wants to flow like a mighty river. Second, the community must believe in these powers. How can the person know unless the community believes and manifests the joy and fervor of the Spirit’s presence? I want the Church to become communities of the Holy Spirit. Anything else will completely fail. The Spirit will bring about a victory march. Without his powers, all will be defeat. This call is very deep. A superficial response loses everything.

3. Importance of Jordan

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I hold Israel at the center of my heart. I was born in Israel and the great events of the world’s redemption took place there.
The ring of protection around Israel is being stripped away and replaced by enemies. Israel’s most important protection is Jordan. I want you to pray for the stability of Jordan. The longer that Jordan remains stable, the safer is Israel and the more the demonic timetable is pushed back.
If Jordan remains stable, Israel will be able to plan its own defense because everything will not suddenly collapse, leaving no time for self-defense. Jordan’s border with Israel is very important. If Jordan collapses and falls under terrorist control, then Israel’s border can easily be pierced. Attacks from Lebanon and the Gaza Strip will never have the power which an attack from Jordanian territory would have. Jordan is key to Israel’s survival.

7. The Spirit Forms Community

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The Early Church was a community filled with great signs and wonders, the works performed by the Holy Spirit through the believers. You cannot understand these phenomena without grasping the intense life of that beginning community. Today, even Catholics do not enjoy a community. After mass, they often return to their individual lives.
In the beginning, the Spirit’s fire led the people to fuse their lives. They became a family, joined as brothers and sisters. They praised God together. They shared their stories and they gathered others. In this intense sharing, they experienced the Spirit’s powers. He healed. He prophesied. He raised up teachers and leaders. Within the community, all of these powers were expected. The people had intense faith. If they withdrew from the community, they returned to a world without faith, and they lost these manifestations. Experiencing the Spirit’s powers depends on the closeness and fervor of the community of believers.
The Spirit wants to restore these powers. Catholics must understand and be willing to join regularly with others. This is the secret of true Church renewal.

8. Gifts of Service

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The Holy Spirit wants to pour out these gifts of service but so many do not even know what they are or how they are received. St. Paul writes, “I do not want you to be in ignorance of the spiritual gifts” (1Cor.12:1). This ignorance is widespread and believers do not come together. How can a person use a gift of service when there is nobody to serve? These gifts flourish when believers know about them and gather in the Spirit.
At Medjugorje, I spoke often of these little groups of prayer, but who has heard my plea? So, I make it again. The renewal of the Church depends totally upon the Holy Spirit. He wants to be known and to show forth his power. He will pour out these powerful gifts if believers come together.
Satan wants to isolate the believer and to immerse him in the world. The Spirit calls the believer out of the world so he can join with others. Today, so many do not even go to mass. How can the Spirit give them power to serve? Those that go to mass, are in ignorance of the spiritual gifts and do not gather with other believers in prayer.
Is it any wonder why the Church is weak? I am trying to explain the secrets of the Spirit’s workings. Just begin. Study the books. Come together. I will be in your midst to lead you. Do it today. Remember, the time is very, very short.

9. Importance of Prophesy

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Today, I will speak of the importance to the Church of prophetic visions and words. Later, I will teach about the use of prophesy. Look again at the Early Church. How did this great missionary enterprise reach the end of the known world in just a few decades? Was this the work of human genius? Not at all. Read the scriptures. All was guided by the revealing gifts of the Spirit.
By a prophetic vision, Peter knew to go to the home of Cornelius, the Gentile (Acts C10). By prophetic words spoken at Antioch, Barnabas and Saul were sent forth on the great missionary journey (Acts C13). On the second journey, the Holy “Spirit did not allow Paul to preach in Asia. Instead, a prophetic vision called him to Macedonia in Europe (Acts C16). Later, when Paul was to return to Jerusalem, he already knew clearly that he would be taken prisoner because of a prophecy given by Agabus (Acts 21:10-11_. While in custody, the Lord himself told Paul, that, having preached the gospel in Jerusalem, he would also bear witness in Rome (Acts 23:11).
Where would the Early Church have been without the Holy Spirit’s prophetic revelations? The community would be floundering and subjected to every kind of failure. Such is the plight of today’s Church because the prophetic word is not spoken and the prophetic vision is not received.
Prophecy is not an extraordinary experience like God speaking from the mountaintop amid thunder and lightning. Prophecy is a quiet voice, heard within the heart.
At times the Spirit reveals the Father’s will for the soul. These words are just for the person. Sometimes, the words are for another person, a group, for the Church, or even for the whole world (such as these locutions). This is what I will explain.

10. The Importance of Prophesy

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Prophecy is very important because it is the word of God. Paul writes, “Strive eagerly for the spiritual gifts, above all that you may prophesy” (1Cor.14:1) because “whoever prophesies builds up the Church (V4).
The Spirit has already given God’s word in the Bible and in the authoritative teachings of the Church. True prophesy never contradicts that word but applies the word and explains God’s plan in individual circumstance.
How the Holy Spirit wants to speak out! Through the gift of prophesy he guides the individual speaks to congregations and even leads the entire Church. To set aside this spiritual gift is to walk in a useless darkness. I ask “Can human solutions save the Church? Can the thoughts of man, even the thoughts of bishops and popes adequately guide the Church? God’s plans are hidden and he reveals the great mysteries through the prophets.
Oh, when will the spiritual gift of prophecy come forth to illumine the Church? When will those who guide my Church accept the prophetic word? Even when I speak in authorized apparitions, the words are set aside.
The future of the Church will be filled with a great light and power resulting from the Spirit pouring out his prophetic word. As Peter said, “Your sons and your daughters will prophesy.” (Acts 2:17). Yes, all from the greatest to the least will speak God’s word and new life will flow out.

11. Evangelizing and Miracles

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The evangelizing success of the Early Church depended much on signs and wonders. When Peter healed the lame man in the temple, 5000 came to believe (Acts 4:4). When Paul healed Publius at Malta, the whole island believed (and remains Catholic until today). When Philip went to Samaria, he drove out many demons. Paralyzed and crippled people were cured. Great joy, came upon the city and many were baptized. (Acts C7).
These events parallel the ministry of Jesus. He preached that the kingdom of God was present. His miracles showed the people that his preaching was true. Jesus told his disciples to proclaim the gospel to every creature and to baptize those who believed. He promised that signs would accompany the preaching, that they would drive out demons and heal the sick by laying hands. Evangelization and miracles should go together.
Widespread evangelizing without widespread signs and wonders is impossible. Many try to preach but (as Paul says) are ignorant of these spiritual gifts of healing, raising from the dead and driving out demons. Their harvest is bound to be small.

4. Annihilation of the Nations

Sep 2nd, 2013

Syria will destabilize the Middle East but it will not be the focal point of the second stage of destruction. Until now, with the civil uprisings, the destruction has been internal to each nation.
The second step is war between nations. In this war, other countries will inevitably be drawn in. Although seemingly small, no power will be present to prevent this conflict.
The third stage is the annihilation of some nations as prophesied at Fatima. This will have horrible, unimaginable consequences for the whole world, which will never be the same.
For 2000 years, Satan has planned this annihilation as his way of claiming back the world that I redeemed by my blood. I do not want this annihilation. That is why my mother has spoken so often and why I am now speaking so clearly. The world must be told that the annihilation of the nations is not far away. If the Church does not want to reveal the truths contained in the Fatima secret, then I will use this little voice to do so.

12. Discernment of Spirits

Sep 2nd, 2013

Discernment of Spirits is a very important spiritual gift which is also unknown to most. There are three “spirits” – the Holy Spirit, the human spirit and the diabolical spirit. The Holy Spirit guided Jesus to stay behind in the temple. When I asked, “Son, why have you done this to us?” He replied, “Should I not be in my Father’s house?” The Holy Spirit told him to stay in the temple.
When Peter refused to believe that Jesus would suffer and when he refused to allow Jesus to wash his feet, until he was corrected, Peter was acting in the human spirit.
When Judas betrayed Jesus and left the Last Supper, he was acting under the demonic spirit which controlled his heart. “It was night”.
The human spirit stands between God’s Spirit (who invites it to goodness) and the demonic spirit that uses every opportunity to enslave it to darkness. If people do not pray, their human spirit, with all its passion, ambitions and weaknesses will inevitably make false steps and walk in diabolical darkness. How much the soul needs to discern which spirit is guiding its decisions.

13. Discerning the Evil One

The spirit of evil is most effective when he is hidden and people do not realize that he is at work. The gift of discernment unmasks him, reveals him, and shows the person how to be freed from his power.
He is the spirit of lies, confusion and division. He is the spirit of wars, suffering and destruction. He is the spirit of lust. (Oh, how this spirit has gone forth upon the world.) He is the spirit of death in abortions and of hatred in relationships. He is the spirit of greed that drives a person to seek avariciously and to forget his neighbor. He is the spirit of infidelity that leads a spouse into illicit relationships. He is the spirit of addictions that claims alcoholics and those who use drugs.
He is the spirit of division that divides and destroys families; the spirit of hatred and revenge which resists God’s gift of forgiving others. He is the spirit of rebellion when people say, “I will not serve God.” How extensive is his influence. Because he is not seen, he goes undetected.
He is everywhere, but must act only on the surface until he discovers some door into the human heart. Then he enters, until he is revealed and renounced.